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Do I need to dig the daffodils up in my garden before letting my girls free range?


I know they are poisonous for chooks, what does every one else do who has daffodils? Do your chooks just leave them alone and not bother trying to eat them?

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I wouldn't bother.


In general they leave things alone that they know won't agree with them.


Just observe them, and if they do seem to be tucking in to them, then you might have to do something about it, but until then.......enjoy the flowers!


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We've bought some Omlet netting to screen off the veggie patch when the chickens. As it's green, it blends in reasonably well. I'm hoping it will work as has some good reviews. You could use that to keep the chickens out of the flowerbeds I suppose.


Now if we can just find a way to keep our son out of the veggies we'd be sorted.. he runs at the netting, knocks it flat (the poles are flexible) and crawls across it :roll: Oh well

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