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Eating straw and foamy poo! Help!!

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Had my 4 girls since Saturday, and so far so good I think. Apart from my Jack Russell going mental about them but hopefully I'll get there with her.


They still seem a bit wary of me so I wanted to give them some treats to coax them up to me. I put out some cabbage and they haven't touched it. After reading on this forum about raisins i thought i'd try them. again they were completely indifferent and have left them!


Am I doing something wrong? Will they become tame eventually? :?


One of them has been doing light brown, yellowy foamy poo and just now I saw her eat a piece of straw...is that something to worry about?


Please help!!

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try pasta, sweetcorn, porridge (oats and water) chickens are like people and the dont all like the same things. One of mine loves raisins and the other isn't fussed. I also found that as mine got older, their diet has got more varied.


Not sure about the poo, how long has it been like that and are all the poos like that??


I'm sure they will get tamer over time,


Good luck



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Hi Flo


Thanks for the food suggestions, I'll try those tomorrow.


Her poo has been like it since we got her on sat. All the other girls are fine. She is eating and drinking ok. I'm hoping it's just because the move is unsettling. I was taken aback tho when she gobbled down a piece of straw! I hope that's normal?!!

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Had my 4 girls since Saturday, and so far so good I think.

Am I doing something wrong? Will they become tame eventually? :?

One of them has been doing light brown, yellowy foamy poo and just now I saw her eat a piece of straw...is that something to worry about?


Hi there,


I've had mine a week now and they are becoming really friendly. I let them out for the first time to free range in the garden on Saturday and they really enjoyed it. Today they were even running up to me when I opened the door and they chased me round they garden - they are so funny! I didn't realise they would tame down as quickly, so don't worry, just spend as much time around them as you can and hand feed them treats. They'll soon be running after you.


My Pepperpot keeps doing the yellow foamy poo as well, although I think she does do normal ones sometimes. I read on here that the yellow stuff might be an egg that hasn't quite formed yet and it just gets excreted with the poo. I keep hoping this is the case and maybe....just maybe tomorrow she'll lay one with a shell on it!!


Anyway, try and relax into it - I've kept lots of different animals in my time, but never anything like chickens - they really aren't that difficult once you get into the swing of keeping them!

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I find the foamy yellow poo is just an indication of overeating something rich - I thought I'd try my girls on banana, pulled off abit and offered it to Hilda, turned round and Maude had scoffed almost the whole of the remaining 'nana. Foamy yellow poo ensewed. :roll:

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Don't worry about them not liking the treats you offer straight away. They're a bit like children with new tastes - it sometimes takes them a couple of weeks or so to try new things and enjoy them. My original girls took ages, but the second lot learned quite quickly from the first. Just stick with it. Pasta is a universal favourite, as is cooked broccoli.

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