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I'm sure this has been answered somewhere but I can't find it. My girls are quite pooey! I have bought some pet safe avian disinfectant but I'm not sure this and a brush will get the wooden roosting bars clean, looks like they need soapy water too by the looks of it but it says not to use household cleaners so I asume that means no fairy liquid in the water?


What do you all do?





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step one - power hose roosting bars, spray all poo off


step two - some ecover washing up liquid, good scrubbing brush and scrub the bars, get all the muck off


step three - sit down for a moment and watch the chooks whilst the bars are "soaking"


step four - blast off all the soap residue, leaving bars clean


step five - dry off with old towel ...... Tah-dah! :D


alternative - if you have a super duper power washer - no soap or disinfectants needed - they come up like new!! :D

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step one - power hose roosting bars, spray all poo off


step two - some ecover washing up liquid, good scrubbing brush and scrub the bars, get all the muck off


step three - sit down for a moment and watch the chooks whilst the bars are "soaking"


step four - blast off all the soap residue, leaving bars clean


step five - dry off with old towel ...... Tah-dah! :D


alternative - if you have a super duper power washer - no soap or disinfectants needed - they come up like new!! :D


Sounds great Chelsea, but I don't have a power washer yikes! :shock: I was thinking more of soapy water and a brush - I guess this will take ages boo hoo

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no it doesnt take ages!


I use the soapy brush method with some good ole elbow grease,


Hubby with his "boys toys" prefers to get out the power washer (which takes longer to get out from our cluttered garage than for me to clean the bars :roll: ) but I must admit the power washer brings 'em up luverly! :D

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no it doesnt take ages!


I use the soapy brush method with some good ole elbow grease,


Hubby with his "boys toys" prefers to get out the power washer (which takes longer to get out from our cluttered garage than for me to clean the bars :roll: ) but I must admit the power washer brings 'em up luverly! :D


Asked hubby and actually we DO have a power washer - it's in the garage - the male domain in which the only thing I'm interested in is the chest freezer LOL :D Hubby is going to dig it out and show me how it works on Sat :oops::)

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I don't have a power washer either - I find a good old-fashioned hosepipe on full blast does the job though!


Ditto to the routine above - I use Ecover washing-up liquid, but you could use cage disinfectant - it definitely helps to have something a bit soapy to loosen it up. A good scrub, and they come up fairly well, to be honest you will never get all the stains off.


I'm going to try Plastidip on the new Cube bars when it comes ... who am I kidding, that would mean waiting a day or two to put the chooks in there, I won't be able to hold out that long!

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You could get a second pair , and then coat them in turn with Plastidip which helps the poo wash off easily.


I have already ordered a second pair they are coming on Friday bcause I was worried about putting them back in damp, oh and I'm lazy!


What is this Plastidip? Is it something you can get from B&Q and ok for wood?

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I don't have a power washer either - I find a good old-fashioned hosepipe on full blast does the job though!


Ditto to the routine above - I use Ecover washing-up liquid, but you could use cage disinfectant - it definitely helps to have something a bit soapy to loosen it up. A good scrub, and they come up fairly well, to be honest you will never get all the stains off.


I'm going to try Plastidip on the new Cube bars when it comes ... who am I kidding, that would mean waiting a day or two to put the chooks in there, I won't be able to hold out that long!


I'm not looking forward to cleaning the 'poolu' for the first time but my girls are so entertaining and luverly I'm just going have to get used to doing it once a week but all these tips to making it quick are great!

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You could get a second pair , and then coat them in turn with Plastidip which helps the poo wash off easily.


I have already ordered a second pair they are coming on Friday bcause I was worried about putting them back in damp, oh and I'm lazy!


What is this Plastidip? Is it something you can get from B&Q and ok for wood?


Read all about **Plastidip** here, Sarah. :lol:

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