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pork chops

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we have some in the fridge that hubby bought the other day, I am lacking inspiration as to what to serve with them and how to jazz them up a bit and not dry them out. I don't really want to braise them because I am not too keen on slow cooked pork, so any ideas would be gladly received :D

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I, when I am not at Weigh"Ooops, word censored!"chers,adore pork chops & do them this way.

I fry them in a smidge of olive oil,until lovely & brown,then I add about half a jar of apple sauce & a decent slug of cider, & a couple of sprigs of sage or thyme & just let it cook down in that for a while.

Serve with mash & sprouting broccoli :drool:


My mouths watering just thinking about it 8)

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I have been in cooking frenzy. I have made butternut squash soup, vanilla ice cream, strawberry and cream cake, roast lamb, chicken and white wine risotto and home made garlic bread.


One of my other halfs co-workers has given me a CD with instructions that payment must be made in the form of my gingerbread.


Ihave some beetroots that Im looking at making into a soup. And a lot of pears that I think Iwill make a tart with tomorrow.And my tattooist gave me a box of Duck eggs the otherday in return for some chicken eggs I gave them last time.

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