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So Excited!

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Hello Ive finally got the ok for chickens and am just so excited. Have decided on an eglu but first problem is which chickens are best for introducing to my baby grand daughters and secondly which of the fantastic eglu colours ? Love them all How did you decide? - do they look like they do on the website? Would be grateful for some advice Tinax

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Hi Tina and welcome to the forum :lol:


CHickens come in all shapes, sizes and colours and varying degees of ease of looking after! The standard hybrids are a great start as they are easy to look after and are great as pets, friendly and outgoing :lol:


The eglus are fab colours - have a look a the photos on the gallery which might give you more of an idea or why not have a look on the forum under "Visit an Eglu owner" and see if there's someone in your area you can visit?


Chickens are fabulous to have they're great fun and of course you get all those lovely eggs! Do let us know when you've decided what to get :lol:

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Oooh Can remember how excited we were at this stage - you will dream about chickens :lol:


Firstly I would say that chickens (like children) have varying personalities regardless of type so if I were you I would go to your local breeder and see what takes your fancy.


Also I would get at least 3, this way if you have a problem and one passes away, you will not be left with a lonely girl ( plus it is addictive and you will want more anyway and it is harder to introduce to an established pair)


As for colour, it really is a personal choice. We have chocolate brown (no longer available) as I wanted something to blend in rather than draw attention. I do however rather like the red one.


Good luck and do let us know how you get on :D

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Welcome to the forum! Hybrids are great for first timers - in fact they're still my favourites. Some of the pure breeds are beautiful, but don't lay as reliably and are not as reliably friendly. You could do worse than have one each of Omlet's, or perhaps 2 and 1. As for eglu colour, it's a really personal thing. I chose green to blend in with the garden, but now wish I'd had blue, as it's such a gorgeous colour. I'm sure whatever you decide will be great. Hope to see pictures once your eglu and girls arrive!

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Hi and welcome! Have a look on the gallery or on the links at the end of peoples posts, you can see chooks and Eglus / Cubes "in the flesh". I've never had an Eglu although there were some int he back of the van when our cube was delivered but both the cube and the eglu are really fab! Funky, fab colours and a lot bigger than I thought. Orange is, of course the best! :wink:8)

As for hens, our friendliest is our Calder Ranger which is I think the same as a Gingernut Ranger, and the Pepperpots that Omlet do as well - our's lay really well. Or you could go for bantams which are smaller but they don't always lay as reliably. There's such a HUGE choice, you really are best of going to look at some and see what takes your fancy then ask to see if what you fancy is going to be easy to look after.




Mrs Bertie

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Welcome to the forum Tina :)


Maybe could could visit an eglu owner near you to get an idea of colours. There is a thread "visit an eglu owner near you" on the forum.


We have green and orange, the green is quite an apple green and blends in well with the green of the garden. I LOVE my orange one - its a very zesty bright orange, a lovely cheerful colour that also looks fab with green plants. There are so many lovely colours to choose from I know its difficult :lol:

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