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just joined today we have 4 Lomond hens and one silkie , used to have two but unfortunately Kev passed on.

The other Silkie since loosing Kev has spent alot of time in it's hutch and we've had to bring it out. We were wondering whether she was being broody or just plain lonely , we keep her seperate from the other hens as they bully the silkies. Today we noticed she has a powdery white scaley stuff ( best description I can come up with ) on her legs and feet ....

1. is this normal

2. if not does any one know what it might be

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Hello and welcome to the forum.


It sounds like your hen might have Scaly Leg Mite. It is highly contagious so if you treat one hen, make sure that you treat the rest too. The cheapest way to get rid of the mites is to get a bottle of surgical spirit and pour some into a jam jar. Dunk the hens legs one at a time into the jar as high up the leg as possible or paint the surgical spirit on with a paint brush. Dunk them once a week for up to five weeks until you notice that the mites have disappeared. You could also try rubbing Vaseline into the legs to soften the skin scales and suffocate the mites. Repeat the treatment weekly until the scales look smooth and clean. Whatever you do, don’t pick at the scales or try to pull them off. The scales will look pretty messy for a while but will be moulted and new ones will grow in their place in time.

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Hi there, I'm in sunny Lanarkshire - nice to have another Scottish member :D .

Are your 4 'Lomond' hens perhaps Lohmann (Browns) - I remember another Scottish member thinking they had 'Lomonds' - easy done hearing the word Lohmann as Lomond when we're in Scotland :lol: - good, reliable layers though :D .

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Thank you for the welcome I'll get the surgical spirit today and change her bedding . As for the Lohmann its sounds like that is what they are , great chooks eggs everyday since we got them in Oct 07. very biddable as well, but make a mess in the main garden, so they have their own area

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