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Rolo Rabbit

Glad that night is over

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Well they warned us it would be bad and it certainly was. I didn't get much sleep as our kitten/nearly cat followed me out at 10 last night when I went up to block up the shed door and didn't come in again. Then I was worried the chicken run's roof would blow off and my daughter came into our room at 2 saying she could hear Muffin crying. We went out to investigate but couldn't find her.


But this morning, Muffin was waiting on the doorstep and the roof of the run is still on. Our neighbour's roof has blown off and taken some of our trellis with it.

:evil: Just noticed that the water butt we set up a couple of days ago is completely full!


The girls came straight out of their coop looking a bit shocked. The rain has soaked through their pellets so should I put new stuff out and would a bit of porridge help?

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blimey you must have taken the brunt down there.


I think it fizzled out by the time it reached the mid of the county, it was windy but certainly not bad - I've heard worse.


Everything intact here, a few pots blown over, and the bin...and the power went off in the night. I was really worried but i suppose the forecasters did have to scare us :roll:

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It seems to go calmish for a while then we have another really blustery session. The girls did have a little scratch around a while ago but it really is quite wild out there now. And Muffin is out in it again. But I think she's probably on one of her visiting times next door where she raids their cats' food then comes home to throw it up in our kitchen. :vom: Any ideas how we can stop her?!? She pops in through their cats' cat flap.

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I think your neighbours need to take preventative action - either stop leaving food out, or get a magnetic cat-flap. I don't think there is anything you can do to stop her popping in to help herself!


Glad to hear she survived the night anyway. When she's a bit older she will see sense and stay inside. I left my 11-year old tabby curled up on the sofa this morning, the lounge is normally out of bounds unless I am in the house but I didn't have the heart to evict him!

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I had a little chat with the neighbour yesterday and explained the situation. The problem is that he is out all day and his very elderly mother is confined to one room so they have to leave the food down for their cats. And somehow I can't see them splashing out on a magnetic cat flap although I agree that would be the best solution. And possibly cheaper in the end than feeding Muffin for the next 10 years! I've filled her bowl up twice in the last couple of weeks. :shock:

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