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Can the Hens dig out of the run?

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We have an Eglu with run screwed firmly on to the eglu. Our hens have been dust bathing in the run which is great, but they dug a small hole close to the edge of the run. They can't dig themselves right out can they? cause there's a lip along the edge. I know I'm kind of answering my own question but just checking no one's had an escape have they. They kind of look like they are planning to build a tunnel!


Also we are away for one night but not leaving until around 3pm and back the next morning. Do you think we should ask neighbour to shut the eglu door once they gone in for the night or do you think we should be ok? Our garden is enclosed with 6ft fences and a double garden gate which is about 5ft high with metal chicken wire across it. I feel really nervous about leaving them the first time. Thanks!


P.S. the run has a hemcore base, underneath that is mixture of grassy mud!

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Dum-dum, dum-durm-di-dum-dum, dum-dum dum-dum-di-dum-di-dum-dum...*


I don't think they would get out - they would have to burrow right under the fox-proof skirt, and chickens are not natural burrowers!


Re shutting the door, if it gives you peace of mind, then go ahead - it can't hurt. Enjoy your night away!


* Theme from "The Great Escape" :)

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I know what you mean - ours have dug trenches around the edges of the run :roll: . We have almost 3" of woodchip but they've still dug a tidy way down, and partly under the skirt :shock: !

Once they were all tucked up in the cube the other night I pushed a rake through the run door and raked it all back level!

Your worms are probably closer to the surface than ours :lol::lol::lol:

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Beware - mine dug holes right underneath the eglu skirt. They only stopped because they hit the log roll that hugged the shape of the skirt!! Even if they didn't tunnel any further, it would take very little for a fox to suss the weak spot and dig in! :shock:

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The man delivering our Eglu today moved it around the garden a few times until he was completely satisfied it was on flat ground, and he seemed to think that yes they CAN get out underneath if there is even the smallest gap (or, more importantly, the foxes can get IN).

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Beware - mine dug holes right underneath the eglu skirt. They only stopped because they hit the log roll that hugged the shape of the skirt!! Even if they didn't tunnel any further, it would take very little for a fox to suss the weak spot and dig in! :shock:


Ours do the same... it's a bit worrying...

Looking at the trenches in there, you'd think there is World War 3 coming round the corner...

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