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Pecking order - How long does it last?

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We've had our 3 chooks for 3 weeks, and they don't seem to have had any dust-ups, although the pecking order can be seen in terms of confidence, and first for the food bowl in the morning! Over the last week the middle order hen has started crouching low-ish and then charging top-hen.


When I first saw the crouching I got excited - could this be the start of the laying process? but then we had all the high winds and I thought that too much wind ruffling the feathers. Today was blowy but noticeably calmer weather-wise, but still we have had crouching and charging at each other. Any ideas?

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As they come into lay, the pecking order may change. Often the first to lay will be the most confident. As none of yours were laying, a pecking order was established. Now middle hen is coming into lay, she will assert her authority over the other, non layers. There will be some scuffles until they sort themselves out, but it shouldn't take too long. :D

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I bought 4 at point of lay initially. They arranged their pecking order straight away into order of who would lay first. The only scuffle was between the two middle ones who couldn't decide who was going to lay first! I added two more, older girls who had been laying for longer. They took over as top chooks. The last five I added have also pretty much followed the same pattern. The bottom three were the last to start laying. Only my own observations, but it's been accurate so far! 8)

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I'd go along with that Snowy. My Magpie started crouching today :D (or was it my imagination?) and she has been accepted by Daffodil quicker than my other newbie, Sylvie, who was noticably less mature on arrival.


It's the same with my bantams, Bossy the wyandotte (laying already) is top (of course!!), Yum-yum the pekin (getting redder in the face but no eggs yet) is 2nd and poor little nervous, flighty Bumble (not at all red) is at the bottom.

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