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Sarah B

Tricking a Chicken!

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I need to worm my girls with Flubenvet but they don't eat many pellets and I really dont want to syringe as I'm just finishing a course of antibiotics with one and don't want to do that again!!! :roll:


Treats is the option but they have decided they don't like grapes, nor cucumber! (Ungrateful madams) :)


What else can I trick them with that I can add the Flubenvet to?



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Ours love porridge oats made with just water (quite sloppy). Sometimes I will put a few raisins in. They all come charging over to the bowl and peck like mad until it is gone even while it is still warm. One word of caution - stand back because they pick some up and then quite often shake their heads and it goes flying :D Would have thought that Flubenvet would be easy to mix in porridge although I haven't tried it I must confess. I have just ordered some Flubenvet on line from wormers.co.uk so hopefully it will be here very soon.

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Ours love porridge oats made with just water (quite sloppy). Sometimes I will put a few raisins in. They all come charging over to the bowl and peck like mad until it is gone even while it is still warm. One word of caution - stand back because they pick some up and then quite often shake their heads and it goes flying :D Would have thought that Flubenvet would be easy to mix in porridge although I haven't tried it I must confess. I have just ordered some Flubenvet on line from wormers.co.uk so hopefully it will be here very soon.


Sounds a good plan but I want to make sure both chooks get exactly the same tiny daily dose so I think I'll have a go with the individual corn niblets, Thanks anyway though! :D

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I am planning to worm my chooks (when the stuff arrives in the post) but mine don't seem to like grapes or anything else apart from corn on the cob........I might just have to lace a corn on the cob ( make up a paste and smear it over it) and hope for the best.


What about the individual corn niblets like I am going to do, you only need the very tiniest tip of a knifes worth of Flubenvet per chook per day, should be easy to stab a niblet, spike and offer to indvidual chooks as long as you don't have many?

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Yes I might try that............OH will probably think I've gone completely barmy trying to prise individual bits off a cob to lace with the flubenvet......


Buy a tin of value sweetcorn..... :whistle: Corn on the Cob is out of season and will cost you a fortune (and food miles too!)



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The Flubenvet arrived in the post this morning. Hadn't quite appreciated how little you need per chicken. It says on the tub 5gm per 4kg of feed. I have got some sweetcorn out of the freezer - I know they like it because they have had it before. So how should I put the flubenvet onto the corn - do you need to mix it into a paste with water first and then spread it on each kernal? The amount req'd is obviously tiny but do you think quarter of a tsp between 3 chickens would be enough per day for a week??? Afraid I haven't got a clue! :roll:



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The amount req'd is obviously tiny but do you think quarter of a tsp between 3 chickens would be enough per day for a week???


That would be too much.


Last time I did mine I mixed it in with their food and it was something tiny like a quarter of a teaspoon for a whole week of food (don't use that as a dosage guide, I'm just saying it was a teensy amount!). This time I'm going to try the individual dosing as they are not keen on the new sack of mash I'm giving them and I'm not convinced they'll get the dose.


I'm planning to put a tiny, tiny amount on the end of a sharp knife then poke it into the open end of the sweetcorn kernel.


I don't think there's a danger to the chook from overdosing by a small amount but obviously whatever they eat goes into the eggs and then into us so getting the right dose is preferable.



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Gosh that is a tiny amount! Thanks for the info. I'm glad I haven't given them any yet. The whole family could have been wormed for the next year by eating their eggs! Not sure what would have happened to the girls!! :oops:


Good idea about putting some in the open end of the kernals. They are free ranging in the garden at the moment as the sun has come out so I'll try and give them a kernal each while they are out there.


I think the tub of Flubenvet will last for the next 20 years then! :D


Thanks again!

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Sweetcorn worked a treat for administering the flubenvet. Used cocktail sticks and put the tiniest bit of powder in the open end of the sweetcorn. As the sweetcorn was defrosted it was wet enough for the powder to stick. Armed with 3 cocktail sticks with a kernal of corn on the end they came charging up to me in the garden and snatched the kernal off the stick. Only problem is that Penny managed to get the stick as well! I was chasing after her trying to get the stick back as I didn't want her to swallow that too :? I had to laugh when she eventually crouched - first time for Penny. Easy to get the stick back then and really good to see that she will soon be laying eggs. :D


Left the 3 of them with a small bowl of sweetcorn just to reward them for taking their medicine :)

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Sweetcorn worked a treat for administering the flubenvet. Used cocktail sticks and put the tiniest bit of powder in the open end of the sweetcorn. As the sweetcorn was defrosted it was wet enough for the powder to stick. Armed with 3 cocktail sticks with a kernal of corn on the end they came charging up to me in the garden and snatched the kernal off the stick. Only problem is that Penny managed to get the stick as well! I was chasing after her trying to get the stick back as I didn't want her to swallow that too :? I had to laugh when she eventually crouched - first time for Penny. Easy to get the stick back then and really good to see that she will soon be laying eggs. :D


Left the 3 of them with a small bowl of sweetcorn just to reward them for taking their medicine :)


LOL :D Congrats on the wormer administrations and the the crouching!!!!!!

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Many thanks for calling Omlet. As least we know for definite and others will be aware too from reading this thread :)


It will be a doddle getting the 3 of them to take the sweetcorn every day so they can have a 7 day course although a little more challenging if they are in their run. Noodle pushes both of the girls out the way and just about launches herself into my arms when I open the door of the run. They just had the best time free ranging today in the long overdue sunshine.

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Mine are getting doctored niblets in the run but I only have 2 so it's easier! I ensure they are both well away from each other when the offending niblet is dropped through the bars and it has their individual attention - plus when I'm at work all day Mon through Fri they only have pellets so are starving!


I'm sure they will soon wise up :lol:

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