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LJ's Chooks

Bokashi Bran?

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Maybe i've missed something :oops: but is the bokashi bran for chickens the same as you use in composting?


has anyone bought any in hampshire (Pompey/southampton) one of my chooks has runny poo, thought it might help, but can't find anything locally. :?: can anyone point me in the right direction :lol:

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You may be able to get bokashi bran from the garden centre, if not try www.wigglywigglers.co.uk.


They sell the bran on its own and also chicken feed with the bran already added.


Having never bought layers mash before, I may sound stupid here but(!) - can you put layers mash (with included bokashi) in a normal,automatic hopper feeder? Or will it not feed through like the pellets do? To me it sounds like it wouldn't automatically replenish as I'm just thinking of potato mash?? :oops:

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I have no idea unfortunately as I'm new to chicken keeping and just repeating what I've read while i've been waiting for my chickens to arrive. :oops:


I'm sure someone knowledgable will be along shortly who can help you


I believe that the pellets are made from the mash so I assume that as it is finer than the pellets it go into the hopper without a problem


(I had to edit this as my Son submitted it for me before I'd finished typing)

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