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Tiny crown, but pre-egg poos!?! or is she ill?

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Henrietta has got tiny crown and tiny wattles, but she is doing some poos which look like ones that they do just before coming into lay. I dont know what to think. Could she about to come into lay even though she has such tiny crown? Or is she too young to lay and really the poos mean she is ill? She seems fine. Shes energetic and eating well. She's actually bigger than Anita, who has full grown crown and wattles (and who I think started laying last week).

I saw her do too poos in a row today. One was pure yellow, like custard. The other one was like a proper poo with yellow custardy stuff with it.

Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom!

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if she's energetic and eating well she doesnt sound like she's ill.


Does she squat when you approach her/lay your hand above her?


Comb size does vary (my cochins have tiny combs) but the comb and wattles are bright red which is a good sign of laying


hopefully you will get one soon :D

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Thanks for the advice. Im hoping it was a chip shop poo! Its hard to know how many of these I should find between 3 girls. Maybe I will have to count poos, divide them by ten and hey presto! I will know how many should be curry sauce!

I have had my girls just ove a week and havent been pooed on yet! I know its got to happen though! Just hope it aint a curried one!

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Although shes big, I dont think she's ready to lay. Her crown and wattles are tiny and not red yet and she doesn't squat when I go near her..... she squarks and runs off in a panic (she is a tad dramatic!) I guess it was just curry poos. Strange question but how roughly how many curry poos should I be finding a day for three girls?? :oops:

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On the subject of poo AGAIN I'm used to the chip shop curry sauce ones now and they don't usually seem to be that obnoxious in niff, (they are on garlic powder), but I have now had 3 normal looking poos in 2 weeks that really stink?


One was done in the run tonight - PEN and INK :shock:


What is this stinky odd poo that looks normal? Even the poo trowel went rustier :shock:

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My girls have taken to sitting ........ and therefore pooing ....... on the roof of their hen house! Very mucky and hard to get off! Cant scrub at it or all the grainy bits of roofing will come off! I'm less worried about the curry poos now. I think all is normal in my world of chicken poo. Thanks everybody.

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