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bad chicken! help+ lot s of questions

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ok so today i got 3 lovely chickens!

One warren(she is the bad chicken)

one blue belle and one speckeldy(all currently un named)

Well the bad chicken is persecuting the others so much they went and hid in the house of the cube and she was sttrutting around on her own in the run.

Q Should i put out other food+ water for the others?

Q should i shut the door in the daytime to make them brave up to her so to speak or leave it open so they have a hiding place?

Q HOw do i teach them how to drink from the glug and do i need to put water out for them until they learn or will that stop them from working it out themselves?( how high up the cube do you put your glug-how many rungs up so to speak?)

Q if bad chicken continues to be bad should i shut her up in the house for an hour or so to let the others have a go outside?


Q how long is it normal for pecking order disputes to go on for?

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Q Should i put out other food+ water for the others? Yes, otherwise bad chicken will stop them eating and drinking. She can't patrol multiple feed stations!

Q should i shut the door in the daytime to make them brave up to her so to speak or leave it open so they have a hiding place? Up to you, but I'd leave it open. Maybe put some food into the house while they are reluctant to come out. They will come out eventually.

Q HOw do i teach them how to drink from the glug and do i need to put water out for them until they learn or will that stop them from working it out themselves?( how high up the cube do you put your glug-how many rungs up so to speak?) I press the nipples in to let water out, they soon figure it out. But it won't do any harm to put extra drinkers out anyway. Mine still prefer to drink the proper way, even though they will happily use the glug. Hang it so that the nipples are about head height.

Q if bad chicken continues to be bad should i shut her up in the house for an hour or so to let the others have a go outside? You could do


Q how long is it normal for pecking order disputes to go on for? About 3 weeks altogether!


This is quite a normal process for them to go through, but they will soon settle down :D Hope you enjoy your chooks! 8)

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How about Cruella? I totally agree that the more food and drink stations you put out, the harder it will be for her to bully the others. They'll soon get the hang of avoiding her. I'm afraid there is always one who is determined to be top chicken - it's just their nature. I think it bothers us more than them.

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