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Help! Easter Egg Competition

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We have just entered the competition for our school too. My daughter did the three little pigs and the big bad wolf and my son did characters from Star Wars. People are easy to do - blow the egg (awful waste I know) and then paint it for the head. Glue this on to a painted toilet roll tube for the body. We added eyes, nose and a mouth with bits of felt and bobbly eyes. Then we cut out capes and hoods for the Star Wars people. Pipe cleaners do for the arms and hey presto :D:D


For animals, the eggs lay on their side on a hoop of pipecleaner, with further bits of pipecleaner for the legs and tails. Add ears, eyes and a nose and you're done. you could do frogs at a pond with blue/green eggs. Sorry, bit of a long reply but this is just up my street but I keep a lot of crafty stuff in the house.


I was trying to think of a character with a blue face for your lovely egg but I got a bit stuck :?


Hope this helps :D


Chili xx

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Thanks for all your help.


Poet, the egg wasn't quite blue enough and Ben wanted his friends to see the colour, he is very proud of his chickens' blue eggs!


He decided that he wanted to turn the egg into a chicken together with red comb and wattles wings and beak!


Thanks again for the replies



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