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incubating eggs then vaccinating

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hi there has anyone ever incubated their own eggs and vaccinated once they have hatched.


i know that you can buy the eggs on ebay or through breeders. But how do you go about vaccinating themselves once they have hatched. I know that if i get them form a breeder they would have been vaccinated straight away and for the following couple of weeks.

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The vaccinations are all added to their food and drink.


I believe they are only available in industrial quantities though....which makes it a bit expensive for the "hobby" breeder.


Why not have a chat with your vet, or a local breeder, who might be able to advise.

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Pickles, speak to Thorne's (I'm starting to sound like I'm on commission, I know! :roll: ). If you take your chicks along on the day they are vaccinating they will do yours too, although I don't know whether they will charge for this service.


Their number is 01462 675767.


Oh, and not all small breeders vaccinate so do clarify this before you buy.

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thats great thanks for the tip

someone else has just mentioned them to me as well actually on one of my other threads.


paranoid about the vaccinations, as ive just had to put all 3 of mine to sleep. they had campylobacter. see campylobacter warning thread

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