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Did I really just do that?

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After reading how funny chickens are with pasta on here and how much they love it I just cooked some just for them for my own entertainment.


It certainly gave them a good workout - one runs off with a piece in her mouth so the others run up to the other end of the garden trying to get it out of her mouth (the fact there is plenty more in the bowl seems of little consequence!). Then that one strand gets finished and all three run as fast as they can back up the garden to be the first to get the next strand.


It kept me entertained for half an hour watching them anyway.


If you haven't tried it it is highly recommended!



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Little Esme dug up a huu-uuge earthworm today whilst I was fettling one of the salad beds. At first she just pecked at it, and I thought of taking it off her so it could escape - but then she suddenly grabbed it by one end and sucked the whole thing down like a piece of spaghetti :shock::vom:

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