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Martin B

Chicken Keeper Enquiry

How many chickens do you own?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How many chickens do you own?

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I have voted 2.


Started out with 3 Bantams, but Blossom died in November.


I would love to get 4 or 5 more Bantams and now have a run large enough.

OH is building me a wooden chicken coop which should be finished this week :D

Bantams are in short supply up here so I may have to wait before I can increase my flock.

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My Gingernut Ranger lays like clockwork.... she hasn't had a day off for over a month now, the Pepperpots lay 5 or 6 days out of 7, Phil takes every 3rd day off.... and Brie always used to be a very regular layer too, and she's now gradually getting back into the swing of things. We will get less though when they go broody, or moult, I just hope that they don't all do it at the same time :?

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Sorry Martin MIL is my Mother in Law, NDN is my next door neighbour (who is 90 and wonderful.... still walks miles each day, and looks after chickens and cat when we're away, as well as taking full responsibility for mowing our shared front lawn, taking in milk, parcels etc... I could go on and on... wonderful indeed 8) )

We got Lottie from someone who lives close to my son's school because a fox had got Lottie's friends & kept coming back for Lottie. They hared letting her go but decided it was better for her to be able free range safely with us, and be with other hens. As a thank you I try to drop round some eggs each week, just by taking a slight detour on the school run.

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You should see how much they have recovered.


It's scary to think what might have happened to the girls if they were not rescued!


If I can save a few more then I would love to!


you should have seen the state they were in when they first arrived :( poor girls.. they couldnt even walk properly!


and when i fed them fresh corn.. i think they nearly exploded with delight!


(bless em)

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they did not need vetinary care.


betty did have a broken toe, but she seems to be able to cope with it really well.


I spent most of the day with them for the first week. I checked their feathers and beaks. they had hardly any feathers, so i was worried about them not growing in time for the winter.


I kept them in the eglu, for 4 days. and then allowed them to free range. within 7 days they were "mud-bathing" in te lawn and happily digging up my flower beds :)

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