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eating paper

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WE use shredded paper in the egg port but recently it is disappearing very fast.

I would have thought this had something to do with he big hole at the bottom of the cube egg port but as Hubby says there is non on the ground in their pen.


so we are assuming they are eating it.

1st is this normal and ok for the chickens?


2ndly can we stop it, Hubby suggested sprinkling it with curry powder like you do when they are eating their eggs but I am concerned that they will hate it so much they will also stop laying there.


Yes we can use straw but paper is recycled and free!



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we were using shredded paper for a short while for Bea but when bits of it blew into the other girls' part of the run, Mariana and Shalott started eating it. Because of this and because it wasn't particularly absorbant anyway, we decided to stop using it and stuck to the aubiose.


No idea why they were doing it, couldn't have been for the flavour! I got a bit worried about them blocking their crops up with papier mache like pulp as well :?


We were only using it to try and make Bea a bit more comfortable as she sits down most of the day but we just give her extra aubiose now.

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After a week mine started eating paper and getting it everywhere auboise/hemcore or other hemp based horse bedding products (dust extracted variety) seems to be the only thing that works for my fussy girls - straw also got thrown everywhere and wood chips were not much better.



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