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Sarah B

Copy Cat Chooks!

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Hi all,


Mine have been free ranging this afternoon and it's so nice to be able to watch them rather than being stuck at work thinking of them in their run.


I have noticed that they are exact copy cats! One will do something and the other does it as well straight away! Madras decided to do a wing flap so Tikka had to and they stick really close to each other and follow each other about. If one goes back in the run so does the other, if one goes for a sprint in the garden so does the other, if one pecks a bush........blah blah.


It's so funny :D

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They are so funny, Tikka my chook that loves her kip, has obviously worn herself out so she's now back in the run sleeping in the dustbath (well the latest hole they have dug themselves), so Madras is awake but sat cuddled right up to her. Awwwwww.


They obviously like being together!

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