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Sand is down for run base

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But DH has gone out and it has now started to rain :cry:


All the slabs for the base and the posts were also delivered this morning. Getting exciting now, however all I can see is a levelled sand area - not sure if the rain will make it slowly migrate down the garden - we slope :roll:


Now all I need is a cube and some chooks :)


Going to look at another breeder tomorrow (well the hens not the breeder himself :wink: )



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I thought you were having a walk-in run, Egluntine? :?


Shame about the "typical Bank Holiday weather", Andrea. I know how exciting it is building a run. I chose to do mine in January, but at least it stayed dry for most of it.


I did manage to get 3 apple trees planted at the allotments today though, before the downpour began. :)

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Oooh was beginning to wonder whether that would have been cheaper for us as well. That sounds lovely - will have to look it up now - I love those runs on their site. We have the weldmesh, posts slabs and sand now - still to get the roof stuff - I'm sure if we added it all up the Flytesofancy one would probably have worked out cheaper and DH would have had a weekend (or maybe that was his idea.....hmmnn :wink: ). Ours will be walk in as well - can't wait.



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