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Girls are at home, finaly!

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We are very excited from our new hens. We got them from Southmead poultry this morning. Must say, that to pick was just incredibly difficult, since all the birds there were beautiful.


So, we still haven't decided on names, but I am sure that will happen soon :-).

ISA seems to be the most calm and curious from them all. Sussex rev. the noisiest :roll: - hope that was only because of Obelix (cat) getting to close at one point. All of them were so cute when picked up and amazingly soft. I also love the cozy noises they make when content :-)


What we didn't expect was, that our cats got a major shock from the new garden invaders :shock: After a whole day of gazing through a window to the garden, I actually had to escort Asterix to the cat loo which is pass the Eglu :-D


Here are the pictures http://bandv.hopto.org/gallery/Chickens?page=1

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You have a cat loo? :o


The chickens look gorgeous. My cat is terrified of them when they are free-ranging (with good reason!) but likes to watch them when they are in the run. They don't seem too bothered by him now, you will probably find yours get used to seeing the cats around.


How exciting. Oh - and treasure those photos, because you know that green stuff you have put the run on? It's probably the last time you'll see it! :wink:

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Olly, it is really an allocated area when the cats go, since the garden is rather small and I do not want them to go into my veg patch ;-)


I am sure the hens are going to be a great fun :-) Pity it was such a horrid weather (the pictures were taken in 10 minutes of sun today).


Should I really wait 5 days before letting them free range? The garden is tiny so i think they should be able to find their way back to Eglu :wink: . Or is there another reason why they should stay in?

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