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Yoghurt making help

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Hi :)


I bought one of those electric Lakeland yoghurt makers, the kind where you boil the milk, leave it to cool to 50c, pour it in the machine with 2 tsp of yoghurt and leave it for 8 hours.


Thing is, it's come out kind of slightly fluffy and lumpy, not thick and creamy like the store-bought stuff :?


I used organic semi-skimmed milk which hadn't been homoginised, do you think this may be the problem? Or is fluffy yoghurt normal? :shock:

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I wish mine came out like that! - the last two times I've used mine, I've ended up with thin, drinking yoghurt :roll:


I don't know what I'm doing wrong either........ :(


(I used homogenised Organic whole milk)


Oh no, I'd much rather have drinking yoghurt than a cross between cottage cheese and yoghurt... :shock: maybe I will try homoginised milk.


I hear you can add a few tbsp of powdered milk to thicken it up? My destructions recommend doing this just before you boil it, although I haven't tried it yet.

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Thank you Ginette! :D - I'll have a look and see if either Goodness Direct or the local wholefood shop sell it.


It's the boiling and cooling of the milk that puts me off - I want to do it all in one go and leave it - I boil the milk and then forget it :roll:

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I buy long life milk (organic Moo milk) cartons and leave them out of the fridge. That way they are at room temperature already. I have never boiled the milk first - didn't know you were supposed to!


I also buy yoghurt from the supermarket once a month. I find that after a while, my yoghurt gets really runny and I assume it needs to be started again with shop bought stuff.

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I use the flask method, don't boil it, just warm it to body temp, Wrap it in a fleece and leave it overnight. Its comes out thick put still runny if you know what I mean. to make it thick like greek style just pop it through some butter muslin.


Oh I use semi skimmed with shop bought yoghurt starter and like Ginette buy a new yoghurt, when it starts to get too runny.



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Made 2 lots now, started with a pot of Longley Farm Organic for the first batch, but used tablespoon of this to make second batch. Easy peasy


Used the yoghurt mixed with mayonaise for low cal potato salad and tonight for home made tartare sauce. Also had some with half a pomegranite mixed in, delicious.

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