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Choosing chickens....

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hey guys...

I posted aaages ago about the possibility of getting chooks and have decided that it is def on the cards

Have been reading all your posts for a while and am def persuaded (not that it took much)!


Anyways....Ive been looking into which i should get and have found a breeder not too far away (decided to find the breeder first and see what they have before getting my heart set on anything)

Sooooo, im looking at getting the cube with about 6 chooks and so far am considering:

bantams: silkie, salmon faverolle, orpington

and: cream legbar, warren, magpie


This summer is going to be for building the run etc (when i move house) as i want a walk in run and then hoping to get the chooks as early as poss in the new year!


If anyone could tell me anything about any of the breeds ive mentioned or post any pics id be really grateful...





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I have 3 Orpington and they are the most lovely, fluffy girls! :D NO eggs from mine yet though :roll: , although I believe they're moderate egg layers. I have a Maran, who is friendly enough, but not as trustful as the other 3. I am after a cream legbar too, as I've heard they are lovely and lay blue eggs, which would be brilliant! 8)

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Here's my Magpie, also known as a Pied Suffolk. She laid her 1st egg today. :dance: She looks a bit stern but she's lovely really. She's supposed to have a black body but I preferred the way she looked to the proper ones. She's getting rather big, rather quickly though and she has a very healthy appetite! She is very quiet (so far!) and hardly ever squawks. (That's a little chicken behind her, BTW, not an extension of her tail!)



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wow thanks for the speedy replies


I love the look of Orpingtons - I would love a lighter coloured one but i think the breeder only has black ones but they do look lovely too!

I can't wait for blue eggs - such a novelty lol

To be honest im not so bothered about the amount of eggs from each - just as long as i get a few from the 6 chooks lol


Superjules - your Magpie is gorgeous!


I won't be getting the chooks until next year but i think kim slightly obsessed already!



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:D ha lol

what other chooks have you got?

Ive already changed my mind from an eglu to a cube just so i can have more lol

Then from having 4 to having 6 because im getting a cube and because i read posts on here and it seems that its easier to get them at the same time than to introduce a couple of birds at a later time...

And then from the omlet run to a walk in run to give them more space (and the possibility of getting more...if i cope)


More obsessed..... :shock:

I think i may need counselling if that happens!



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You think you're obsessed now - just you wait!!


Tell me about it!! :D

I've only had my two hens 5 1/2 weeks and I'm totally obsessed! :D:shock:


We've got Gingernut Rangers, (think they are also called Gold Stars) and they are JUST LOVELY. They're so friendly and literally come running to me when I go out into the garden.

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Hmmnn Stacey,


That sounds just like me - eglu to cube, 4 to 6, extension to walk in run..... yep sounds very familiar. I am now thinking 5 to start with and adding the further 2 that aren't available until around June which would make 7. But then I suppose a round number is better and I should therefore make it 8..... :lol:


Obsessive me, never...well don't ask DH :roll:


Good luck making it until the new year - I can't wait until the end of April (girls can't come until then :( )



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i am so jealous! :mrgreen:


I wish mine were coming in April!

8 sounds a much better number than 7 - i don't like odd numbers!

Have you decided what your getting?


Janty - do you have a pic of her?

Perkins were on my list as i saw them originally on the breeders website but they seem to have a new one now and not a perkin in sight!


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I wish mine were coming in April!

8 sounds a much better number than 7 - i don't like odd numbers!

Have you decided what your getting?



At the moment it is looking like:

Bovans Silver,

Bovans Goldline - friendly things for my children :D

Coral reef

Maran Cuivre

Maran Coucou


Blackrock - for DH but not available until May or June :(

Skyline - for me but not available until July :(


Although Araucana's are in the incubator at said breeders as I type - might have to order one of those instead of a skyline :?


And then there is the Bluebelle....... Maybe I should order another cube :oops:



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moving to Huyton soon!

Have to check with the council if i can have chooks though - has anyone else checked or do you just keep them?


Araucana's were one of my choices but I liked the look of the orpingtons more :-)

But maybe there's room for another one?

And then that would be an odd number so id have to have a Bluebell too! lol




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