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Dust bath

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I have no room in my garden for a compost heap nor a few large compost bins. I never know what to do with the hemcore from the run when I clean the girls out. The council won't take it to compost it as it is a 'bird flu' risk so I end up just putting it in black bags which I would really rather not do. :(


I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to burn it and then give the ash back to the girls to use in their dust bath. :? Good idea or not at all? lol


Btw-I currently use playsand and compost mix 8)

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I use nice dry earth (from my husband's greenhouse but he doesn't know that ..... :wink: ) mixed with some Diatom (see Omlet shop - Diatomaceous Earth).


Sometimes I chuck in a handful of Auboise if there's not enough dry earth to scavange or some old dry flowerpot compost.

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Thank you all so much. I order a whole batch of products from the omlet site earlier in the week and Diatomaceous Earth was one of the products so I will definitely add it to the dust bath. Mind you currently; they are all standing in the run with gale force winds blowing around their feet - Thats blowing any cobwebs away, that's for sure!

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I go down the fields and collect mole hill dirt, it's lovely and fine, lump free, and I figure it's got to be cleaner than the soggy, dog peed on, mud that's in our garden. I mix it with very expensive bird sand ( play sand was sold out )it has loads of grit in it, so when they aren't bathing in their bath, they are eating it ! ( see my avatar! )

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