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Bumper bits

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Bumper bits have just arrived so in I went with my towel and have captured the offending Speckle and she is now doing her best to make me feel guilty for fitting such a thing.

I must admit I had to check pictures on here (hurrah for chicken lovers on Omlet!) to see if I had done it right.


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Calm has been restored pretty much instantly! :D

Glad I bit the pullet :shock: , whoops bullet and braved doing the job.

She was very good, no struggling and did open her beak, only struggled when the quite tight bit went in her nostrils.

The others have checked it out and I think I heard cheers :lol:

She is feeling very sorry for herself but have seen her drink and eat, gave them a corn treat

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I had to fit a bumper bit to my Mabel and felt very guilt about it. It came off last month so we left it off as we felt so bad, but then she attacked our other girl Luci again. Needless to say it went back on and I still feel bad but much better that she is not hurting Luci!


Does anyone else find that chickns with bumper bits on can't preen as well? Mabel is always much more dirty than Luci, particuarly underneath so we give her regualr baths. Is this the bumper bit or something else??

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