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Do chickens put people off buying your house?

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Just wondering. I love my girls and have no intention of getting rid, but we are planning on putting our house on the market in the next couple of months.


The jury seems to be out amongst our circle of friends as to whether having an Eglu and chickens in the garden would put people off, as they'd think your garden was a poo-covered farmyard, or would actually be an attraction as it shows your garden is big enough!! (I am not planning to leave the girls for the new owner!!)


Would be interested to hear views on this espeically from omleteers that have sold their homes, and any advice on how to make the garden more presentable for viewings would be great!!

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I would just pop them in their run and clear the lawn of poo just before the viewers arrive. No poo , and if they are at all nervous of animals they can see they are not a threat (my DDs friend was a bit nervous at first , that's why I thought about this - you never know). As you say , you are taking them with you so no worries there either.

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Surely it would depend on the viewers ? I know chickens in the garden would sell the house to me ! :lol: I was watching 'To buy or not to buy' on t.v this morning and never cease to be amazed at what puts people off buying - the colour the walls are painted, the tiles in the bathroom etc etc, some people are just too fussy and can't see beyond what can be changed, fingers crossed you get some 'open minded ' viewers who like chooks. :)

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Wow thanks Bron, what a brilliant article! I have a raised veggie bed too so looks like I'm quids in! :lol:


But :shock: at the statement that you can pay £150 for a rare breed chuck - is that really true!!!


And equally, :shock: that the people are 'sort of' moaning at having to sell their £1.5 million house to buy a bigger one so they can have a cow!!! :lol:

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Surely it would depend on the viewers ? I know chickens in the garden would sell the house to me ! :lol: I was watching 'To buy or not to buy' on t.v this morning and never cease to be amazed at what puts people off buying - the colour the walls are painted, the tiles in the bathroom etc etc, some people are just too fussy and can't see beyond what can be changed, fingers crossed you get some 'open minded ' viewers who like chooks. :)


I think you're right - wouldn't want one of them fussy b*ggers anyway! I will have to get Ginger and Nutmeg some little chickeny bow ties or something so that they look nice and smart for when people come round! :lol:

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I started a topic Tuesday in the nesting box on this same subject. I was concerned the chickens would put off potential buyers of our house.


An estste agent came round on Thursday and said to leave the chickens and run (Large fixed run) in place :D My chickens free ranging will be shortened so that I am not poo picking just before viewers arrive.


I have 3 small raised beds, a small greenhouse and grow stuff in pots on the patio and decking 8) I wasn't going to bother growing anything this year as we would probably be moving, however I think I will now :D Potential buyers will be able to see what a productive garden we have :D

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I would definately plant up your beds and pots. It will look very attractive and they will see how things could look if they move in. I hated looking round houses with bare pots and empty greenhouses. You can always take pots with you.


Question is are you selling to get more space for the hens and more?? :D

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