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Sooooo eggcited! I received a phone call from a friend this evening who has been asked by another chicken keeper if he can 'dispatch' two of her chooks because she isn't happy with the rate of egg production she is getting from them :?

They aren't that old, one is a bantam who just isn't laying as much as the owner would like and the another is a hybrid who has been laying soft shells for a while. He asked whether we would be interested in adopting them and after a very brief conversation with him indoors, decided to go for it. I've been madly reading up on the reintroduction posts and plotting our plan(s) of action as we will be receiving them tomorrow afternoon.

We don't know what they look like or their exact breeds - so I'm feeling like a child at Christmas eve at the mo'. Won't be able to sleep tonight and if I do, I'll probably be dreaming of which cube to buy... not that I've broached that one with OH...yet! :wink::D

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How wonderful.


Maybe you could get some Limestone Flour for the soft shell lady. I've only just bought some from the horsey shop after reading Egluntine's glowing praise for it.


My introductions were OK, just a week of nastyness. Did resort to putting the newbie in the childrens Wendy House for a few days but that was more me not gritting my teeth and letting them get on with the pecking order stuff. But I suppose you already know this from when Shadow & Psycho arrived.


Hope all goes well with your new girls.

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