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nice new neighbours

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Our neighbours have moved over an housr away and we really got on well but more than that our kids loved them so much. One of them is god mother to my littlest and my eldest really misses them. Luckily a lovely new neighbour has moved in. He has a bunny rabbit too so of cousre that cheered up my little girl gracie.

Its always a shame loosing good friends but even beeter when you make new ones!!!

We'll always visit them anyhow!!!



(red eglu) taken on sunday

PP bluebelle my favourite

PP henrietta

(white chicken) lily head chicken

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Lucky you 8)

We will be due 2 lots of new neighbours soon. One next door after our old neighbour passed away a couple of weeks ago, & one lot over the road.

It doesn't sound like a lot,but there are only 4 houses down my way,so 2 lots of newbies is quite exciting.


Hope they like eggs 8):lol::lol:

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I hope your new neighbours didn't get too wet moving in!

Wasn't the weather pants on Saturday?

Thanks for selling us your eglu - hope you'll be happy with your new set-up :)

OH has been busy doing 'man stuff' with wood over the weekend :roll: so our run isn't too far off!

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We will be due 2 lots of new neighbours soon.


Hope they like eggs 8):lol::lol:


I hope that they want broadband and will join you in a campaign to get it installed :wink:


I've had fabulous neighbours here, I live in a really friendly area and I'm quite upset that we're moving out very soon and I'll be leaving them behind :( . I hope that wherever my next home is I am as lucky with my neighbours.

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Yeah the weather was awful! Every time it cleared up they went out to start again and it poured again. I was lucky when i moved as we had blazing sunshine.

We have already given our neighbour some eggs and some homemade jam. Helps when asking for chicken sitters!!!

Good news is though.. he said they were the best eggs he'd ever had!!!


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