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Bokashi were u get from and how much for how much u get

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I use it from time to time for composting prior to getting the chickens.

I bought my last lot from Omlet as I'd ordered other stuff from them but normally I get it from :



.I give the girls a handful each day and so far 600g has lasted me 12 days and I've still got over half a bag left. You may want to start out with a 1kg bag then see how you get on

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I buy the layers mash with bokashi from the wiggly wigglers site. They deliver four bags to me every two months. It works out cheaper for p&p buying four bags at a time.


at min im on pellets £7 for a 25kg bag then i bought 700g of bokashi for 6.10 delivered, but told htis will only do 12kg of the pellets? :roll: would i be worth me swappin gto th emash? does it do them any better like eggs etc

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Wiggly Wigglers is probably the cheapest place for bokashi bran - £5 for a kilo rather than £10 for 900g at Recycle Now. On the other hand, Recycle Now's compost bins are excellent value - 2 bins plus bokashi for only £25, compared to £59 from Wiggly Wigglers or a massive £66.50 from Organic Gardening!

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Layers mash just the same as pellets but in a different form. I just like to feed my girls warm layers mash in the morning. They like a nice warm breakfast and I am able to sneak all kinds of things into it that I couldn't with the pellets, such as limestone flour, poultry spce, cod liver oil, marmite, etc. I also throw in some grated carrot or sultanas from time to time. I also give the hens pellets to munch on throughout the day.

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Layers mash just the same as pellets but in a different form. I just like to feed my girls warm layers mash in the morning. They like a nice warm breakfast and I am able to sneak all kinds of things into it that I couldn't with the pellets, such as limestone flour, poultry spce, cod liver oil, marmite, etc. I also throw in some grated carrot or sultanas from time to time. I also give the hens pellets to munch on throughout the day.


marmite didnt know they can have this how could i give it got jars of it in cupboard i dont like it.

mine love limestone flour, poultry spice so no probles there. when my bosh stuff comes can i mix it all in wiht the pellets and add hte lime poultry sprice etc all to the pellets? :roll:

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