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Guest Poet

***FREE*** feed scoops :0)

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just thought I'd share a tip we discovered on the net. DH has made some for the aubiose, mash, corn etc etc and they're very good and if they break (which ours haven't) you can just recycle them!


we've been making our own from empty milk bottles. I don't have a photo of ours just now as they're in the shed but here's one somebody else on the web has made. The ones Ian made are much neater than this one



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We use a milk carton for a chicken poop scoop. :D


yet another fabulous use! :D


I'm attaching some baskets LIKE THESE to the run in the next few days to grow herbs in and was thinking of using one to scoop the compost into the baskets ;)

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I have large plastic milk bottles as feeders and drinkers, I've cut the middle of the fronts of them out, and wired the handle at the back to the weld mesh so they can be positioned off the ground and can't be knocked over.

They were supposed to be temporary, I didn't want to buy any as a farmer friend of ours has several unwanted galvanised feeders and drinkers we can have, but hasn't been able to get them to us yet. They work so well, I may just keep them :)

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i use a chinese take away dish!! you know the lil plastic ones!! :lol:


i use them as tupperware; for packed lunches or to freeze leftovers etc

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i use a chinese take away dish!! you know the lil plastic ones!! :lol:


i use them as tupperware; for packed lunches or to freeze leftovers etc


I use them as tupperware too. I also use them when I give eggs away, I can usually squeeze 5 or 6 in, I put cling film over the top. I give my eggs for free and am too mean to buy egg boxes :oops:



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We use a scoop made from an old milk bottle to fill the wild bird feeders.


We also fill them with seeds, currants and fat in the winter, leave the mix to set then cut the side out of the bottle. They make great fat feeders and have the advantage of no mesh for the birds to get tangled in

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