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Any one used All Year Round Birds near Edinburgh?

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Has anyone bought chickens from All year round birds in Edinburgh. I have been on their website but have had real problems getting in touch with the seller by email, phone or mobile. Anyone had any experience of them?

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Hi there


I emailed them last week as I was interested in the hybrids they said they had on their website. However when the guy replied, he said they only had Lohmann Browns at Point of Lay which were £16 each and 24 weeks old. I have since emailed him again saying that our cube won't come until the beginning of May and would he possibly have any other kinds, but haven't heard from him. That was before the weekend.


To be honest, I haven't had much success trying to find "interesting" types of chicken in our area (Glasgow) or even the Borders or Edinburgh or Oban which would be available in the next wee while. We already have 2 Lohmann Browns and we were hoping to add some different chickens to them.


Perhaps if you have any more luck, you could let me know?



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Eventually managed to speak to Rob from All Year Round Birds - turned out that he did not have 2 of the 4 types of birds I had ordered, which had been listed as available on his website - in fact, the website had shown a special message indicating the date that these would be available from. I had paid for these with Paypal - given that he did not have the birds available and that, since ordering, I had received valuable information about concerning state of some birds bought from this seller, I decided to cancel order and requested money back. I will say that the money was instantly repaid to me.


Fee - have PM'd you (if you have not received it, I may have not done it right, so let me know)

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