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First visit by Mr Fox!!!

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Well, it's only taken the fox 13 days to make his/her presence known.....the top of the Cube was COVERED in little footprints this morning - as well as little pawprints all the way around the air vents at the back.


Knew there was something going on because our Lurcher - Lexi - was going mental at the top of the stairs at about midnight and I could hear the fox calls.


Poor girls! They normally all huddle together at night, so one of the poo trays is never used - this morning they were both trays were absolutley FILTHY!


Still - at least I know that they were safe, even if they didn't.

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When I let the girls out to free range, I don't leave their run - talk about Mother Hen!!! wonder how much incidents like this upset them - have only had them 13 days so they haven't started laying yet.


The combs/wattles on three of them are now distinctly red, but the littlest one is still a soft pink.


How delicate are their constitutions?

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Best practice is to keep watch and keep active in the garden when you let your hens out.


Very scary for them, I had 2 of my bantams savagely killed by a fox on monday, RIP to them, and the 2 remaining are currently on high alert at everything. They all free-ranged throughout the day but will now be kept in unless we are there.

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A similar thing happened to us soon after we had our eglu last year. The girls were unhurt but very frightened, so we immediately bought a Foxwatch. Although there are foxes all around us, since then, we haven't seen one in the garden or even any sign of one. I would block up any holes into your garden and angle a Foxwatch towards your henhouse at night once the girls have gone in to roost. They are not 100% safe, but are a pretty good deterrent nonetheless.

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