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Keanie Bean

More on the move.

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Well after last weeks installment, we went back to the estate agent with an edited version of the survey results, ie all the bits we felt were over and above the call of duty as far as renovations were concerned.


The estate agents took that to the vendors who said they would be happy to drop the price by £10,000 if we could complete by tomorrow :shock::shock::shock: . Even the estate agent thinks they live in cloud cookoo land. So we still arent any further, but I think a reduction is likely although moving by tomorrow is NOT.


At least they didnt tell us where to shove it, so we are a step nearer to our smallholding dream.




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They are desperate to emigrate to NZ. The husband has been offered a job over there and his wife doesnt want to be left behind with the kids having to deal with a move on her own. This is understandable, but never the less expecting to have two days to complete is just totaly insane.


Unfortunately visiting the local pub is out as the property is just over 100 miles away. I'm not sure they are the pub sort. I think they are more likely to be wining and dining with their horsey lot. Very into horses.



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  Keanie Bean said:
. I'm not sure they are the pub sort. I think they are more likely to be wining and dining with their horsey lot. Very into horses.



Beware the broad brush Sarah! I'm a horsey girl and like nothing better than an evening down the pub with mates... :wink:

As for the property, if they are that desperate it puts you in a strong position- we had a similar situation when we bought this place and got quite a bit off the price.

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Yes Rhapsody your right, being a lover of horses doesnt make you less inclined to enjoy the pub life, but I failed to mention they had three young children.

In our society this tends to exclude you from pub life until they are of an age to be allowed into them with you or can be left at home, ie 14, especially in the evenings. So dining with like minded people, friends and family play a bigger role in your life.

I have three young children of my own and am unfortunately restricted to Harvesters as these tend to be the only family friendly places around and that is in an area full of pubs. Dining with friends is always a prefered option.

Everyone is different, so I hope I havent offended you.



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Having always lived in the heart of London I have yet to experience the country life for myself. No doubt I will make mistakes along the way, so thanks for the advice.


No word on the house yet, I asked my mum if she had spent last night packing her bags to nove tomorrow. She saw the funny side of it, but the stress of all this aswell as getting her home ready to let has worn her down.


Wont be too much longer for her (and us), hopefully.



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We're in the process of selling (in order to go to NZ, strangely enough :wink: ) and we were approached a couple of weeks ago with a request to complete in 4 days. I think it's just a pressure tactic, so I'm afraid my response was "not on your nelly..........how about this date instead". I'm now completing on 16th April :D. I'd suggest it's about communication........why not tell your Estate Agent/ Solicitor when would be a good time for you, and see if the sellers will work with that.


We're all very different so it's hard to make generalisations. I for one would not have taken any silly offers on the house, just because we're moving overseas, I had been extremely tempted to rent this place out and use the rental income to fund the rent on a NZ home, that way keeping a foothold on the UK property market and to have somewhere to come back to. Since the place sold and for a smidge under asking price I'm going through with it :D . And it is possible to sell on your own, my husband flew to NZ on Feb 16th for work...........I'm here with 2 children, seeing the process through :roll: Enjoying the stress and loneliness without him......NOT, but there's a lot of help available for the move, so it is doable.


Good luck with it all though, I hope that the sale goes through for you and you're happy with the outcome :D

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