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I think Bumble is crouching

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I've never seen a chicken crouch before but I think Bumble may have just started. :D


I took their treats out and reached out to stroke her. She normally moves away but this time she did a sort of bow, flattened her back , put her wings out slightly and sat still for a minute or so while I stroked her back. Is that crouching?


She's also got noticibly redder in the comb and face over the past few days

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Brilliant news! The first egg goes to my son and will be scrambled as that's his favourite.


He ate 5 eggs scrambled on Easter morning as he ate his own breakfast and scrounged ours too. Not bad for 16 months


What'll you do with yours shaky?

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awwr i hope you get your first egg soon, i know my hens are ex batts but tht first morning when i opened the hutch and found an egg, you'd have thought i'd never seen one before the fuss i made!!! It was still warm and i took it running up to my bloke in bed and making him feel it!!! Twas like a lil pressie from them :) He had it fried xx

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