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The Egg has Landed!

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We have our first egg! Hallelujah. No idea whether it came from Thelma, Louise or Ellie but it was beautiful and a double yolker to boot! They have been with us for 4.5 weeks now so my husband was starting to make pointed comments about ornamental hens. Now at least he has moved on to noting that this egg has cost something like £475 and he hopes the taste justifies the cost! (it did)


Let's hope this is just the beginning for the Chicky Girls!

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We have our first egg! ... and a double yolker to boot!


A double-yoker - I am so jealous! ':)' Hilda is getting into her stride - larger eggs with smoother and browner shells - but not laid a double-yoker yet.


my husband ... noting that this egg has cost something like £475


LOL. I was thinking today that at this rate it will take Hilda another two months to pay for the first bag of layers pellets. Hope Evadne will help her out soon but she is very evidently much younger than Hilda.

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Thank you all on behalf of whichever of the Chicky Girls actually laid the egg. We were all 3 of us able to enjoy it lightly boiled with toast. My 6 year old daughter was particularly pleased having moreorless given up hope of the Chicky Girls actually ever laying anything. Maybe they have been waiting for the clocks to go forward!

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