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foxwatch mains adaptor query

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Does anyone know of anywhere that sells the foxwatch mains adaptor, separately from a foxwatch? Is the foxwatch itself the same, for batteries and mains?

I have the batteries version, but it's useless as the batteries drain reasonably quickly, and I never go and replace them, so I thought I'd get the mains adaptor but can only find it with a new foxwatch... I can find a mains adaptor extension by itself, but not the actual mains adaptor...


Has anyone ever seen it on sale by itself?

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Thanks Tessa. They're the ones I was looking at... I got my current foxwatch from them, but on their foxwatch pages the only options are

- without batteries or mains adaptor

- with batteries

- with mains adaptor

- extension lead for mains adaptor...



I might give them a call at some point and ask them...

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Just a thought Ziggy - a few people have complained about the batteries draining quickly. I got my Foxwatch in about October last year, and I'm only on my second set of batteries! :? Do you have it pointing directly at the Eglu/Cube so that the hens trigger it?


I have mine set up facing AWAY from the Cube, so that anything approaching will set it off, but so it isn't triggered by the hens moving around in the run.


My theory is that I want to deter the fox from using the garden as a regular path - they are creatures of habit - and so I have it set up where it covers the main route through the garden. I move it around from time to time, just in case he's got wise to it, but I haven't see the fox in the garden since I got it.

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I could try that, and maybe get into the habit of turning it off in day time, though I'm not sure how disciplined I could be about that... in summer, problem is that the kids are always in the garden, and they trigger it!!


And at all seasons, the five cats keep triggering it...


I'll put new batteries in and try it... could get used to turning it off when collecting the eggs, and turning it back on when giving them their afternoon treats...


Thanks :)

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I'm sure my cat sets it off, and other nocturnal visitors. I only turn it off if I am going to be going past it a lot - otherwise, I think the occasional 'screech' will probably remind the fox, if he is in the vicinity, that my garden is not a place he wants to be!


It still might be worth giving Primrose a ring, I have found them to be very helpful.

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