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Mean trick

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Last night when my DH got home I excitedly told him that Bumble was crouching and it wouldn't be long before we had our first egg.. he just laughed


A few minutes ago I went out to clean the eglu out and found an egg ! I was thrilled. Really excited like a little kid until I turned it over and noticed the pink BBE date that supermarkets stamp on their eggs.. :shock::cry:


No wonder my DH was so keen to let the chickens out before he left for work (previously unheard of) and then hung around pretending to wait for an important call. He just wanted to see my reaction... but I didn't go outside until after he'd left


Just wait 'til he gets home..

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LOL When I found my first egg I was convinced Hubby had put it there as he had got in from work before me and given the hens some treats, I finally realised it really was a Madras egg cos it was smaller than the ones in the cupboard and it didn't have a lion mark on it!!! :oops:


Sending magic eggy vibes to you from Madras the egg machine ..........



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No no no - take advantage - let him think you were totally hoodwinked.

Tell him he is obviously the lucky mascot and should be letting the chickens out every morning :lol::lol:


Brilliant idea.


That'll teach him.


I think you will be able to get a fair bit of mileage out of this! :lol:

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