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The front page headline in our local paper last week, was that 30 chickens had been stolen from some allotments, along with all their feeders and drinkers :evil: The hens belonged jointly to the allotment holders who had all clubbed together to pay for the chickens and their extensive housing, some of the hens were in fact ex batts. I was lived that someone could do this.

This week it is reported that the chickens were stolen by the ALF who are to rehome them in private homes with large gardens or to a sympathetic animal shelter. They said they did it because the hens were being held in a restrictive compound, I saw pictures of their 'compound' and it was a fairly massive run.


What do these people think they are doing? I am all for acting against animal cruelty, but what gives these people the right to steal pet chickens which are living in a chicken version of luxury?


Rant over



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:shock::shock: . Surely if they thought the chickens were being mistreated, there would have been a more appropriate course of action than stealing them :shock: .


As I understand it, the ALF, or at least a certain faction consider pet owning to be a BAD thing. If they had their way all our pet dogs and cats and whatever would be liberated :shock: Quite what a domesticated dog would do with liberation puzzles me, cats would do ok, maybe dogs would form packs and run wild in the streets :evil: You don't have to mistreat an animal to bring down the wrath of the ALF just 'imprison' it. Daft if you ask me.



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The ALF have been doing those sorts of things for years it just hasn't been terribly well publicised :roll:


They are switching attention to soft targets now the law has been strengthened on the protests and direct action they were taking on transport companies, airlines, labs etc :? Also public opinion has shifted alot which means they get less sympathy for some of the direct action so they have shot themselves in the foot :shock:


I suspect the next target group will be farming as most farms are isolated and difficult to security protect :cry:


They do have a discussion forum if I get time later I will post a link (nned to go and find it first) it tells you what they have been up to after the event it makes some quite interesting if a little disturbing reading :shock:


edited to add link :shock:



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