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cluck and henry

Alcoholic Chicken!

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My Partner is very worried about one of our chickens. Please can you help.


She's losing a few feathers, seems agitated, quite a bit more noisy but still laying. (Sorry this is the chicken not the partner) :oops:


We have given her rescue remedy in a little soya milk. Which she has lapped up.


She seems to be more herself now but we were wondering if its a good idea to give your chickens alcohol. We have read that you shouldn't give sugar, salt or alcohol. :shameonu:


Does anyone else use Rescue remedy?


Thanks if you can help.

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How old is she Cluck and Henry?


Maybe she is moulting?


I would have thought that the postive effects of rescue remedy would out weigh the tiny amount of alcohol in it.


Try adding it to her water for a week or so.


Where is she losing feathers?


One of mine laid 4-5 eggs a week even when she was moulting :roll:

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She could be going through a mini moult. The weather has been funny lately and the new feathers growing through would be itchy, hence the scratching?


Are you able to pick her up and closely examine the bald areas?


Also, you may find flaky 'dandruff in the droppings tray. This is the feather shaft falling off as it grows through.

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