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can we use decorative woodland bark in run floor?

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We switched from bark chippings to wood chippings because of the potential problems from mould spores growing on the bark (which can cause respiratory problems in chickens).


You would also need to be careful if the bark chippings are dyed (which decorative ones sometimes are) as the dye might be harmful to chooks...



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I used bark for ages, in an eglu run with the winter shade on all the time, and my girls were fine. If you have a walk-in run, though, it is likely to get wet and slimy, which is not so good.


The main reason I've switched is that, with the type of base shown on the Omlet product pages, the bark outside the run gets kicked around the garden when the chickens free-range :evil: Now I put bedding inside the run only (with fine netting on the lower half of the run to keep it in), and use hemcore as it's easier to rake out than chippings and more absorbent.

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We use bark chippings and the chooks love it. Before I let them out in the morning, I get in the run and try and clear some of the more obvious poos :vom: , then spread it evenly again for them. That way they have more to scratch around for.


so do u think its ok to use the one form netto? as lot cheaper than the :roll: aubiose

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I would have thought so. Ours cost £4.99 for a 100L bag (from one of these country store places that sell lots of farm/smallholding gear) which covers our run area nicely. The chooks don't seem phazed by it, but other people will tell you different things.

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