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Black Rocks 20 weeks old and still no eggs!!!!

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No, they are at Point of Lay from around 15-18 weeks and usually come into lay around 4 weeks later but anything from 22-25 weeks is quite normal.........some take longer. My Sussex girls all took a lot longer as they reached POL over the winter months and didn't start laying till January so be patient - they'll start soon :wink: .

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They are definitely still a bit on the young side.


When their combs and wattles develop and redden and they start "crouching" as you approach.....then you will know that they are coming into lay.


They generally lay about a week to 10 days after the crouching starts as a rough guide.


Try to keep them mainly on mash or pellets and minimise the number of treats you give them for the time being...that might help a bit. :lol:

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