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Can I squeeze 3 more in...

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We've had our girls for 11 days and have gone chicken mad! Hubby is going to build a bigger, permanent run (11sq m) and we are looking at getting another 3 girls. We only have an eglu and can't afford to upgrade to a cube yet! :roll: Will 6 chickens roost together in the eglu or do we need to wait for something bigger?

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Once you have got your bigger run they should be fine.


Occasionally my rounding up at bedtime doesn't go according to plan and more than once I have had 5 or 6 in one Eglu and 2 or 3 in the other.


There is plenty of room for sleeping.


During the day though they need more room to wander about .


Also, one nesting box per 4 hens is the recommended minimum.

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personally, I wouldn't as the advice (we were given by the BHWT coordinator) is a maximum ratio of 3 chickens per nesting box. Someone on here had their chooks fighting over a nesting boxes.


Having battery hens myself, I wouldn't consider 'squeezing' in more than the coop can comfortably accommodate as they've been squeezed in enough during their short lives.


Just my opinion.

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I wouldn't get more until you've had yours for a good few months. Particularly in wet wintery weather when the run is muddy, you might find fewer in a big space much easier and much more pleasnat to look after.

I also wouldn't add more to the eglu than is recommended - next boxes, any squabbling, etc etc.

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I wouldn't put more in the Eglu than Omlet recommend either because overcrowding leads to bullying. I bought a bigger coop so that I could have more hens rather than force them to squash into the Eglu. I know there looks like there's a lot of room in there but would you want to be squashed into a room with lots of others? I wouldn't. I have a Cube with 6 hens and even with the larger nest, I am having the most awful problems with them all wanting to lay at the same time and making a racket because there isn't room. I'm going to have to get some extra nest boxes made for them to try and relieve the problem.


If you want to expand your flock, you'd surely be better saving up for another Eglu or buying a Cube rather than force your hens to play sardines every night.

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