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Rose, not going into the Eglu?

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:) Rose would rather sleep on top of the garden bench, than get into the Eglu with the other girls. :(

I have to pick her up and put her in the run and close the gate. I dont want to leave her out all night, How can i get her to start going into the Eglu at night.

PS> She lays in the Eglu and will sleep in it if I put her into it.


Any help will do. :?

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Hi ya,


Some people shine a torch for them into the eglu at the door, so they can see where to go. Alot of hens on here at the moment have been enjoying camping out! which is ok if it's somewhere secure, away from Mr Fox. I would try the torch trick 1st, but I sure another Omleteer will be a long in a mo with more ideas.

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It would be a good idea to lure them into the run before dusk. She probably can't find her way home as hens don't see well once the light drops below a certain level.


Dusk is also a very likely time for a fox attack to occur, so she would be better off safely locked up before then.

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Mine both prefer to roost on the barbecue rather than go back into the Eglu! It's up against the side of the house and I think they feel 'safe' there. We just pick them up and put 'em away, we are used to it now. We tried the torch but the chucks had their own views on where they were going to sleep!

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