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when do we get our first egg

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:? We have three Miss Pepperpots. Lettie Clara and Flo.

We have had them for over three weeks now and are still waiting for an egg.


Also does anyone hav e any advice on how to stop them wrecking the garden. They have dug up all my primroses and are stripping the roses of leaves.


They are quite cheerful, happy and amusing to watch, what are the signs they are about to lay?

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Our 2 GNRs and one Miss P arrived on 13th March from Omlet. One of the GNR was first to lay nearly four weeks after delivery, then the others followed suit over a week later.

The first GNR started 'crouching' whenever I tried to pick her up... There are many references to define crouching on the message board... Thats how I knew it was her when our first egg arrived. The first egg arrived nearly two weeks after the start of the crouching. (It does make catching chickens much easier!)

Be patient - it is worth the wait. It's like Christmas Day every day now...

Good luck!

Rachel F.

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We are very new to all this Chicken keeping. Many thanks for all your encouragement. We will keep our fingers crossed, but may have to go to Sainsbury's for eggs ( free range of course) for a while yet.


P.S, they hate blackbirds and starlings and will chase them when they see them.

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Also does anyone hav e any advice on how to stop them wrecking the garden. They have dug up all my primroses and are stripping the roses of leaves.

See **this thread** for some tips.

They are quite cheerful, happy and amusing to watch, what are the signs they are about to lay?


Reddening of wattles and comb, increase in appetite, "crouching".

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Our girls arrived 25th March 2008



PP Lettie !eggbrown! first egg layed today Yippie 40+grams 21st April 2008

PP Clara !eggbrown! 1st May 2008

PP Flo



(cube green)


We are perplexed, all our girls are Pepperpots but Lettie is dark while the other two have light chestnut brests, Lettie lays buff eggs while the other two lay brown ones. Are they a hybrid of Pepperpot and Gingernut?


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