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Grease stains

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Can anyone recomend an eco friendly method of removing greasy marks from clothes?


I've tried all sorts but nearly always resort to using Swarfega, the stuff used by mechanics to clean their hands after working on a car engine.

This always seems a bit drastic, and the smell isn't wonderful either.

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You could try Eucalptus oil which smells much better. Copied this from an Australian website on the uses of Eucalptus Oil:



*Clean and freshen your laundry by adding 1-2 teaspoonfuls of Eucalyptus Oil to each load of wash.

* A popular wool wash recipe. used to keep woolens soft and fluffy. Mix 300 grams Pure Soap Flakes with 200ml methylated spirits then add 50ml Eucalyptus oil. Store in a screw capped glas jar. Use 1 tablespoon of the mix per garment to be washed. Dissolve first the amount in warm water then add to wash water. Hand wash or machine wash on the wool cycle. Squeeze and roll in a towel to remove excess water. Keep garment in shape while drying.

* Soak stains, grass, grease, ink etc with dilute eucalyptus about 1 hour before washing.

* You can quickly remove Chewing Gum, paint, oil, grease,ballpoik ink marks from clothes and , shoes using the pure oil. .

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Thanks Charlottechicken and Kate.


I will give both the eucalyptus oil and the ironing methods a go when I next splash my clothes with oil or grease.


I suppose the easiest way to prevent it happpening in the first place would be to wear the wipe clean apron that hangs on the kitchen door :roll:

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....I suppose the easiest way to prevent it happpening in the first place would be to wear the wipe clean apron that hangs on the kitchen door :roll:


:lol: I'm always doing this and nearly threw away a favourite dress. I'd read something on the forum before though, so thought I'd give it a try last week.

Was in a rush & couldn't remember the topic so just guessed. Decided it must have been white vinegar. In hindsight, I think it was the eucalyptus oil, but I had vinegar in mind as a useful Omleteer product. Anyway, it worked!


It was cooking oil splatters :roll: and it had been washed twice before & unsuccessfully "Vanished".


Vinegar... 8) I've worn the dress twice since, I'm so pleased. Amazing how helpful this forum is, isn't it?

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