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Rachel F

Using out of date seeds.

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I have found some courgette seeds that I was planning to plant this year. However, I have noticed that the pack says 'plant before Aug 2007'. Does anyone please have any experience of using out of date seeds? It seems such a waste not to use them, but I have only a very small vegetable 'plot' so I am reluctant to give them a go if they potentially could waste valuable space.


Please has anyone had any experience - good and bad - of using supposedly out of date seeds.




Rachel F.

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Try placing them on some damp tissue for a few days - keep it damp.


You should be able to see if they start to split and shoot - if they do, pot them up and continue in the normal way.


Carrots don't do well from old seed - it's the one seed I buy new every year.

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I'm always using up old seeds, as I never use a whole packet and always forget where I put them until about three years later! :oops:


Results vary, but in most cases at least some of them will germinate.


Lesley's idea is a good one, it will save you potting things until you're sure. Give it a try, you've got nothign to lose!

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