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Gagging chicken

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Hi Everyone

My skyline (ilttle Princess) seems to be quite under the weather and has stopped laying. She stands in the run hunched up, closing her eyes now and then while opens and closing her beak and she seems to be gagging on something. I though it could be gape worm and have given her double dose flubevet for two days but no improvement -although she doesn't what to eat the treats with flubevet on it but I have got some down her.


Also she is gradually getting more and more feathers missing from her back so only her downy feather are showing or could it be that her feather are not plucked out more like half pecked off?

So I have put a bumper bit on the main suspect but I have never seen this behavour in the run. Could she be doing this to herself in the eglu?? Oh yes she has a funny smell?


Any advise please

Julia xx

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Have you checked her for lice and mites?


Is she not eating her normal food. You say she isn't keen on the grapes.


Has she got something stuck in her throat, that might have given you the impression that she had gapeworm?


Is her crop full or empty?


Is the funny smell her breath or coming from her body?


Tbh I think I'd ask the vet to have a look at her.

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Thanks for your replies.

She seems the same today and I gave her some more flubevet on some weetabix which she ate a little but she is drinking. Any other ideas of how to get the flubevet into her?

She is making a strange rasping noise and opening her beak but does run away when I try to pick her up. I have looked down her throat but cannot see anything- worms or otherwise. Could it be a respiratory disease?

Maybe I just need to wait for the flubevet to work. Feathers don't seem any worse. The smell is a funny one as now I think it could be coming from Tilda who is broody and currently in a broody cage but I let her back in the eglu at night as it's so cold!

No problems for ages and now I have one broody and another sick!!

Thanks for all you thoughts

Julia x

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Just to update you. I took LP to the vet last week and she said it was probably flu or pneumonia but gave me some antibiotics to cover anything that wasn't viral.

The top tip the vet gave me was to put the antibiotics (liquid form) in apple juice as this will incourage her to drink them and I have to say it works a treat! I bought a parrot drinking bottle thingy and it is excatly the right size!

Anyway the best news is that Little Princess is looking much better and back to her normal self :D

Thanks for all your help and support as always

Julia xx

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