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I have a question about turkeys

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Bit of a strange thing to ask and i'm sure someone will know the answer but my son asked me yesterday if Turkeys lay eggs. I said they must do. He then asked why you can't buy Turkey eggs to eat. After thinking about this for a while I thought it was kind of strange that I've never heard of a Turkey egg before. Ducks, Geese, Chicken, Quail, Ostridge, Emu etc etc. Never heard of a Turkey egg! :?

I then thought maybe both sexes are for the table, or maybe they only lay every now & then???

I told my son, somebody on here will know the answer I'm sure! Thanks

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I asked the very same question to my DH a while ago. :D


We actually tried to look it up on t'internet and think it's because turkey's don't lay that many eggs, so it's more profitable for the farmers to hatch the eggs and grow for meat rather than selling the eggs to eat.


Hope that helps x

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