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dogs and chickens

Can chickens swim, like ducks?

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I can remember the day I got my three girls from the BHWT last year and I went to collect them ..they were all roaming around in a nice big barn waiting for there new homes and as three were being chosen for me a chicken threw itself intoone of the buckets of water which had been put out for them to drink from. The lady who was there rushed across and grabbed it and explained that they don't have the same oils etc onthe feathers as ducks etc and other aquatic birds so therfore would drown quite easily........

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I just laughed and laughed when my hubby asked me this, of course they don't swim like ducks, I mean have you ever seen one swimming happily across a pond!


So sad about people loosing their chickens by them falling in a pond! Gosh all those with ponds really need to be careful. I feel lucky that we do not have one!


Poor chooks not even happy in the rain today, they do get some funny old hair do's in the rain though don't they?

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My chooks don't seem to mind the rain and are often out and about in it rather that under their winter cover.

One also fell in our pond when we first got them... but just flew straight out again ruffled her feathers and just looked a bit surprised. I would not wish to encourage anyone to be complacent, but equally, please don't panic if you do have a pond; we have 2 ponds and the chickens quickly learnt to avoid them. Plently of our neighbours have chickens and ducks and the chickens don't throw themselves into the duck ponds !

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