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2 Weird Rabbits ?

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Right I Have 2 Rabbits. Both Sisters But One Resembles The Mum And The Other The Dad. Dommino Has Been Pulling Out Oatcakes' Fur And Putting It Around The Bedroom Of The Hutch And Its Been Sitting There For Weeks. My Mum Reckons Dommino Is Going Through A Phantom Pregnancy. Is This Normal For Rabbits? And If So When Will It End Because She Got Really Stroppy Lately... :x

Second Rabbit. Oatcake, Used To Be Really Sweet Up Until Recently And She Pounces On My Hand And Scratches And Bites Me. I Can't Pick Her Up Without Been Bitten And Bleeding. She Growls At Me And Got Really Stroppy With Shandy And Guiness [[Guinea Pigs :P ]]

She Has Fights With Her Sister But They Got On So Well Before. We've Had To Separate Them, But They Are Still Rather Vicious.

What Have I Done Wrong?! :(

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Sorry to take so long in replying, but it took me a while to understand you post with all those capital letters on every word (can we avoid it in future, please?) We'd love to help when we can understand it. :D


It sounds like it might be a phantom pregnancy. How old are the buns and have they been neutered?


All female buns should be neutered as they stand a high chance (80%) of getting uterine cancer if they are entire. It also stops them from having strops, acting aggressively and having phantom pregnancies. They can easily be neutered from 6 months of age.


My two girls were 'done' at 6 months - their teenage behaviour calmed right down after that and they got back into their litter training too.

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Yes I totally agree. When I got my 2 sister rabbits (I only have one left), they were very territorial and hormonal (aged approx 18 months), and frequently had phantom pregnancies that their owner thought was 'sweet'. I had them spayed and no more hormonal problems after that.

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Sorry to take so long in replying, but it took me a while to understand you post with all those capital letters on every word (can we avoid it in future, please?) We'd love to help when we can understand it. :D



I had problems as well and sent you a Private Message at 7.30 this morning - I don't think you've picked up the message?

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